Carebox Connect for Sites

Trial Sponsors and Sites achieve patient-centricity, promote diversity, and optimize enrollment in studies.

Effective inquiry management matters

Enrolling patients in your clinical trials is a critical bottleneck in your research efforts and thus in achieving your company objectives. And it’s only getting harder.

Research programs at hospitals are often under-resourced and overwhelmed when it comes to patient recruitment efforts. At the same time, research program leadership is struggling to meet their recruitment commitment numbers as studies require more specific patient populations and timing. Overall, there is a pervasive sense that everyone is “flying blind”. Inquiries are lost, metrics are elusive, and trying to fix what you can’t measure doesn’t work.

Patients are frustrated as they call into general-purpose call centers that aren’t equipped to explain things to them or guide them when it comes to clinical trials. Overburdened study coordinators don’t return their calls and emails. The resulting low customer experience makes attracting patients even harder, reputations are taking a hit, and opportunities for second opinion and consultation services are lost.

Why Carebox Connect?

A Welcoming Front Door

Patients need answers to basic questions, they need to understand whether there is a trial that is potentially relevant for them, and they need connected to the right study team or coordinator. They need responsive follow-up.

Diversity Requires Outreach

Whether existing patients or potential new ones – and whether arriving by phone, email or online – inquiries about your clinical trials are probably not something your current website and call center are handling well enough.

Leveraging Your Current Infrastructure

You don’t need a new website re-engineering initiative. You need something you can slot in to your existing research program pages. You need an extension of your call center that provide both a direct number and a seamless hand-off point for clinical trial inquiries.

Pre qualify your patients

Sending irrelevant patients to study teams is frustrating for patients and families. Your study teams aren’t resourced to handle inquiries that are obviously irrelevant from the start of the conversation. They can’t be tasked with providing basic clinical trials education. Let them focus confidently on pre-qualified patients.

See the Big Picture

You can’t improve what you can’t measure. Marketing campaign metrics of impressions and clicks don’t help you understand what is blocking enrollment.

Consistent Referral Management

Having a systemic inquiry and referral management solution can be a foundational step on the path to consistent, better managed, and more effective patient-centric engagement in your research program.

How Does Carebox Connect Do All That?

So what exactly is Carebox Connect for Sites and how does it do all of that? Below we’ve summarized the core components of the solution.

Our transformational clinical trial matching technology uses PhD-supervised AI and automation to continuously index patient clinical trial participation eligibility criteria for instantaneous matching of patients’ clinical and genomic profiles with all relevant studies.

Associated with the matching engine is a robust multilingual library of hundreds of pre-built condition questionnaires including common baseline “core questions” and optional more granular “additional questions” that are presented only if relevant based on initial matching to the core questions. Questionnaires are available with different lengths for different target audiences and use cases.

Personalized patient navigation provides concierge services for optimal patient experiences and maximal enrollment conversion. Navigators will educate and validate patient readiness, use condition-based matching to determine relevant studies, and get patients connected to the right study teams or coordinators.

We’ll work with your existing contact center and workflow to map handoff and escalation paths that ensure that patients are routed correctly for appointments or other relevant services or information, if clinical trials aren’t currently the appropriate next step.

Once a trial of interest is identified and matched, the platform connects the patient with the relevant study team and vice versa, then follows up with both patient and study team to troubleshoot barriers and determine outcomes. Referral management can also fully integrate with Reify Study Team, used by some trial sites, for seamless handoff and outcome capture.

Our SaaS platform will extend your existing websites with “request-a-contact forms” and integrated pre-screening and matching – with minimal investment by your IT teams.

Detailed weekly and monthly metrics capturing all aspects of online and call center activity, patient matching and pre-screening results, and each step of the enrollment process. Segmentation by marketing campaigns and inquiry sources. is synchronized multiple times per day as a baseline and is then augmented with integration to your CTMS or other systems/APIs to ensure that patients are connected to the right study team at the right time. Our services and data teams will help you get a better handle on your own study portfolio and translate that into optimized patient conversions.

Our transformational clinical trial matching technology uses PhD-supervised AI and automation to continuously index patient clinical trial participation eligibility criteria for instantaneous matching of patients’ clinical and genomic profiles with all relevant studies.

Associated with the matching engine is a robust multilingual library of hundreds of pre-built condition questionnaires including common baseline “core questions” and optional more granular “additional questions” that are presented only if relevant based on initial matching to the core questions. Questionnaires are available with different lengths for different target audiences and use cases.

Personalized patient navigation provides concierge services for optimal patient experiences and maximal enrollment conversion. Navigators will educate and validate patient readiness, use condition-based matching to determine relevant studies, and get patients connected to the right study teams or coordinators.

We’ll work with your existing contact center and workflow to map handoff and escalation paths that ensure that patients are routed correctly for appointments or other relevant services or information, if clinical trials aren’t currently the appropriate next step.

Once a trial of interest is identified and matched, the platform connects the patient with the relevant study team and vice versa, then follows up with both patient and study team to troubleshoot barriers and determine outcomes. Referral management can also fully integrate with Reify Study Team, used by some trial sites, for seamless handoff and outcome capture.

Our SaaS platform will extend your existing websites with “request-a-contact forms” and integrated pre-screening and matching – with minimal investment by your IT teams.

Detailed weekly and monthly metrics capturing all aspects of online and call center activity, patient matching and pre-screening results, and each step of the enrollment process. Segmentation by marketing campaigns and inquiry sources. is synchronized multiple times per day as a baseline and is then augmented with integration to your CTMS or other systems/APIs to ensure that patients are connected to the right study team at the right time. Our services and data teams will help you get a better handle on your own study portfolio and translate that into optimized patient conversions.

Customer Showcase

Click on one of the case studies below to learn more about how others are benefitting from Carebox Connect for Sites.

Schedule a live demo to learn how Trial Sites can better engage patients and caregivers and convert clinical trial inquiries into trial enrollments and other patient services.